Simple Conversations


Season 1 Episode 29

What’s been annoying you this week?

David Wilcox was Chief Bodyguard for Presidential Candidate - Pat Robertson.

David was fully responsibility for Pat's safety at ALL TIMES. However, He couldn't stop the televangelist from the depths of "evil".

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Check Out David's Books that Reveal the WHOLE TRUTH

Always a controversial lightning rod, Pat Robertson was just beginning a political campaign in his quest to become the Republican party candidate for President of the United States. David’s job was to keep Pat Robertson safe and alive while traveling the globe.

His first book, ‘Protecting Pat Robertson - Confessions of a High-Priced Bagman’ is part memoir mixed with exposé. In it, David shares the revelatory truth of what it was like during those exciting yet challenging years. This book is the first of two memoir-style books he has written thus far.

His other book, ‘The Trial of the Devil Incarnate: Ralph Reed – God’s Flim-Flam Man’ exposes the scandalous truth about the duplicitous Ralph Reed, the former Executive Director of Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition.

It reveals the shameful facts about the man the Huffington Post labeled as ‘one of the monumental hypocrites of our time’ in an innovative and entertaining format. A ‘tell-it-like-it-was’ author, David Wilcox pulls no punches revealing the behind-the-scenes truth about being Pat Robertson’s personally selected bodyguard. The revelations will leave you amused, bewildered and even shocked.